Leather Work

A slide holster I made for my 1922 Colt Single Action.
This was Texas Ranger Rufus VanZandt's pistol. 

I dove head first into building guitars, and modding amps and pedals. Now I'm taking on a new skill - leather working. Growing up on a ranch in Texas I have always loved tooled leather. I have owned holsters, belts, rifle scabbards and more. I have always wanted to learn how to tool and craft leather to my will. I have started the journey and thought I would document the things I have learned and items I have found that might be of interest to a someone new to leather.

Finding the resources and tools wasn't as easy as most things on the web. It seems most accomplished leather workers have an aversion to the internet. It also seems like many of the cornerstones of leather are dead. Al Stohlman is my current leather hero. I like the old Tandy style of leather tooling. This is what you will find on many holsters and belts. The current craze is the Sheridan style. Maybe as I progress I too will fall in love with this style, but for now I like the iconic tooling from the 1880's and early 1900's.

So here we go!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jim,

    I met you at Baylor around 1988 sitting by the pool, (in the middle of the river). You were singing Long Haired Country Boy which I knew all the words to, but few sitting out there with us knew! You were raising hell then and trying to liven up the Baylor crowd! Congratulations on your life of making music!

    My son is now teaching himself how to play guitar (at 26)and has purchased way too many. I bought him a leather guitar strap online and he loves it. He wants another one so I thought I would reach out to see if you could make us one? YOu can contact me at mehunt.deg@gmail.com or via Facebook, Melanie Hunt
